
Surisha's POV

After bidding goodnight to Ansh I entered my room. My right hand is paining so badly. I locked the door and went towards the balcony and locked it's door too. I checked kiko and saw him sleeping peacefully. Standing in front of the mirror, I took off my top and bra carefully. Then I removed my pants also. Wearing only my panties, I look at my reflection in the mirror. I don't know why but whenever I saw my reflection in the mirror I hate myself even more. My skin tone is tan. I'm not beautiful like other girls. My hairs are little curly. My face full of acne marks. Nothing special about my face that can attract anyone or make me feel confident. My eyes moved down and saw my boobs. They are not too big nor too small. For me they are just perfect in size. My little chubby tummy, thick thighs, scars on my thighs everything makes me feel ugly than anyone. I want to be confident about my skintone but the taunts of everyone made me underconfident specially my mom's. Tears gathered in my eyes. I wiped them harshly and went to bed. I prefer sleeping without clothes. After running away from the hell, when I treated my wounds by myself it used to sting really badly. From that time I used to sleep without clothes to prevent more irritation in skin. Thus it became one of my bad habits. I lay down on the bed and recalled everything what happened today. I didn't realise when I fell asleep.

In the morning :

I woke up hearing kiko's voice. I took a quick glance at the watch and saw it was 7:30. After getting up from the bed I took a quick shower and wear a simple fit. I applied some kajal in my eyes and combed my hair and made sure to hide my wedding symbols.

Surisha's outfit

I entered the living room and saw it empty. Shrugging my shoulders I went to kitchen and the sight make me stumble. Ansh was cooking breakfast. Oh gwad,how can a man look so handsome while cooking. I'm gonna faint. His veins is making me feel butterflies.

Reyansh cooking

I heard a coughing sound which broke my delusional thoughts. I looked at Ansh and saw him already looking at me. I said to him, "You're talented Ansh."

Reyansh :"It's nothing darling. I'm talented in many ways."

My thoughts went wild when I heard this. I choked on my saliva and started to caugh loudly. Reyansh rushed towards my side and rubbed my back gently and gave me water.

Reyansh:"Isha what happened to you suddenly. Are you OK?"

Surisha:" Yeah yeah I'm OK now. Let's have breakfast. I'm really hungry."

Reyansh :"You set the plates, I'm coming with breakfast."

Surisha :"Ansh it's sooo tasty. I never ever imagined that you'd cook such delicious food. I really like it."

Reyansh :"Glad to know that you like it. I'm leaving for the office now. If you need anything you can call me."

Surisha :"OK take care."

With that Reyansh left for the office. As there is no work I decided to spend my time with my books and kiko. I went to my room and took "Twisted love". I started to read my book.

At 12 pm I started to prepare lunch for Ansh and Vivek bhaiya. Soon bhai came to take lunch. My whole day passed by just with my books.

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