
Reyansh's POV:

I have been working from morning Continuously. It's 2 pm and I'm very hungry. I decided to grab lunch from canteen. Somebody knocked on my cabin's door. Hearing my reply Vivek entered the room and I saw a lunch box in his hand.

Reyansh :"Yes, Vivek."

Vivek :"Sir, your mom sent your lunch. She said from today onwards she will send lunch as you're not staying at home."

Reyansh :"Oh OK. Leave it here and also have your lunch."

I opened the lid and the delicious aroma filled my nostrils. I took a bite and wow the taste is amazing. Usually I just have some sandwiches but I think I was clearly missing these dilicious foods.

Reyansh's tiffin

While eating my mind drifted to my and Isha's small conversation. I'm surprised that I let her cook breakfast for me. Also how the hell I agreed to give her permission to call me by Ansh. But I literally felt awkward when she addressed me as bhai. I shook my head in disbelief. I mean how can someone call her husband as bhai. I know that we are going to divorce but still I'm her husband. Such a crazy girl. After finishing the amazing lunch I decided to call mom.

Reyansh :"Hello ma. How are you? How is everyone?"

Reyansh's mom:"I fine dear. Tell me how are you? Don't take too much stress ok?"

Reyansh :"I'm also fine. By the way ma, today's lunch was so amazing. I finished the whole food today."

Reyansh's mom:"Good baccha. I will send you lunch from today." With that ma and I chatted for some time.

In the evening :

I'm still working in the office. It's already 8 pm. I saw Isha was calling me. I picked up the phone and said, "Isha do you need something?"

Surisha :"Ansh are you at your workplace?"

Reyansh :"Yes."

Surisha :"Ansh please help me. I seriously need your help."

Reyansh :"What kind of help?"

Surisha :"Um I'm at the supermarket to buy some groceries. I came to market with kiko but I'm stuck here. I can't go outside due to heavy rain. No vehicles are available. I don't want to fall sick again. Please come and pick me. The supermarket is near your office. Please do me this favour. "

Reyansh :" OK I'm coming."

This girl always causes some blunders. She is like a rabbit. Never can't stay at one place still. Wow I was so engrossed in my work that I didn't even notice the change in weather. Soon I reached the supermarket. I parked my car and took an umbrella. I entered the market and started to look for Isha. She was paying the bills. I went to her and called her.


Surisha:"Thank you so much Ansh. I really owe you. I'm done let's go." I noticed a bag full of groceries in her arms and kiko on her shoulder as always.

Reyansh:"Give me the groceries."

Surisha :"No you have carry the umbrella. I can manage. But if you want take this little fluff ball."

Reyansh:"You mean kiko?"

Surisha:"Yes. This man gets so excited when he saw groceries. So take him."

I looked at kiko who was looking here and there. I forward my fingers. Without wasting any moment kiko came to my fingers and walked to my shoulders. We exited the market and went to the car. After some time we reached the house. I directly went to my room to take a shower. After taking a long shower I put on comfy clothes and went to living room.

Reyansh's outfit

I take a seat on the couch and started the TV. After few minutes Isha called me from the kitchen.

Surisha:"Ansh. Can you please place the dishes on the table. Food is almost ready."

Reyansh :"Me?? You're ordering me?"

Surisha :"No Ansh. I'm not ordering you. I said please. So it's a request."

Reyansh:"For last time I'm helping you."

Surisha :"AHHHH."

I heard Surisha's screaming. I went there and saw she burnt her right hand. I quickly went towards her and held her hand into running water. This girl is so clumsy. I heard her hissing continously.

Reyansh :"How can you be so clumsy. Look how much it got burnt. You should be more careful isha."

Surisha:"I'm fine Ansh. It's nothing. Just help me to serve dinner."

Reyansh :"Seat queitly and let me apply some medicines."

After applying medicine on her hand, I served the dinner. I saw her struggling to eat. So I took a morsel and placed it infront of her mouth. She looked at me surprised and eat it. Then I continued to feed both of us.

Surisha:" Ansh, I know that our relationship is complicated. Since we both are staying together for 3 months. Let's not ignore each other and be friends. I might need help from you or maybe you need help from me. We can't just ignore each other."

Reyansh :"You're right. We just can't ignore each other when we stay under the same roof. Let's be friends."

Surisha :"Yeahhhh I got a new friend."

Reyansh :"Shut up and eat quickly."

Surisha pouted and continued to eat her food from my hand. I glared at her when she gestured me to remove the veggies. Soon we both finished our dinner and bid each other good night. I layed down on my bed and stared at the celling. Isha looks so innocent. She doesn't seems like she can take advantage of anyone. I have a gut feeling that there is something more about her. I have to find every single things about her, her family. With that I drifted to dreamland.

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