
"It's already 9.30 pm. I don't know when Ansh will come to home. I have already unpacked my luggages and set up kiko's house in my room aka the guestroom. Right now I'm preparing dinner for us. Kiko already have his dinner and now he is super energetic. He kept on singing from the moment we entered the house,"Surisha thought. Her thoughts were broke when she heard the sound of closing door. She saw Reyansh standing with a suitcase. He was wearing casual clothes this time.

Reyansh's outfit

Reyansh :" What are you doing in the kitchen Ms. Surisha? "

Surisha :" I-I'm preparing dinner for us."

Reyansh :" I've already eat my dinner. You don't have to prepare any meal for me. And don't you dare to invade my privacy." Saying that he was going to his room when kiko flew to Reyansh's shoulder. Reyansh flinched slightly and turned his head to where kiko was seating comfortably. Surisha rushed to them and said to kiko," Baby, I told you that here you can't do anything naughty here. Kiko come here mumma will give you kissy and head pats. Come here baccha." Then kiko went to Surisha's finger. Surisha gave him a kiss in his beak. Seeing this Reyansh became surprised cuz how can a pet understand his owner this well. Reyansh went to his room and banged the door angrily. Surisha became sad seeing Reyansh's behaviour. She sadly went to the kitchen to make dinner and eat there. Surisha can't sleep well as it is a new environment for her. On the other hand, Reyansh was feeling that something has changed in his life. He is not used to his current lifestyle. Even in his wildest dream he never thought that he will stay with his unwanted wife under the same roof. It was about 1 am, Reyansh finished his work. As he felt thirsty he went to the kitchen. While walking towards the kitchen he saw Surisha was sleeping on the couch with Kiko on her chest. But something caught his eyes. Surisha was wearing a satin nightwear. Her dress were covering just her mid thighs. Her brown skin is clearly on display. He started to feel hot. Sweat was forming in his forehead. He shooked his head hardly and went to the kitchen. And without sparing second glance at Surisha he went to him room and heaved fastly. "What the hell Ansh!! How can you look at her so creepily. It's not like you're seeing a girl for the first time in revealing clothes . Why the hell you're palm is sweating," Reyansh whispere yelled to himself and went to bed.

Surisha's outfit

Next morning:

Surisha woke with the sound of kiko's singing. She straightened herself and saw that she was sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Her eyes went wide when she saw that her dress rode up to her mid thighs exposing her scars. She quickly fixed her dress and went to her room with kiko. She took a quick shower and dressed up for the day.

Surisha's outfit

She came out of her room and started preparing breakfast for them. She quickly make some sandwiches. Reyansh came out of his room and went to the kitchen to make something for him.

Reyansh's outfit

He entered the kitchen and saw Surisha moving gracefully around the kitchen and arranging plates. The scene infront of him seemed so unreal. He never ever imagined that any woman will enter his personal place. Just then Surisha saw Reyansh and gestured him to seat. Reyansh didn't argued much and took a seat. Surisha placed his breakfast infront of him and also served her some breakfast. Surisha also placed a small which contains some vegetables and grains.

Surisha :"Kiko baby, come here. Have your meal with mumma babe." Reyansh was eating silently and just then Kiko flew to Surisha. Surisha patted his head and gave him the bowl. Three of them were eating their meal silently. Surisha said, "Umm Mr. Agnihotri I have something to talk about. I would be really glad if you call me by my name. I feel really uncomfortable when some call me with so much formalities."

Reyansh :"OK I'll call you by your name. You can also call me by my name." Reyansh also became surprised as this words left his mouth.

Surisha:"Really!!! Thank you so much. Apko pata hein ki mujhe Mr. Agnihotri or Mr. Reyansh bolne mein bohot takleef hoti hein. This words waste more of my body calories. Can I call you "Ansh"? I know that by judging by our relationship I don't have any right to give you nicknames. But it will be really awkward if I call you bhai right? "Reyansh was surprised by Surisha's ranting. His eyes went wide when Surisha referred him as her brother. He shouted loudly," NO. you will not call me bhai. Call me whatever you want either it's Ansh or Reyansh. But don't call me bhai. Also can I call you Isha? "

Surisha:"Thank god I don't have to call you bhai. Ansh you can call me whatever you want. You know Isha is my favourite nickname." Reyansh just nodded after that they have their breakfast quietly. After breakfast Reyansh left to his office. As soon as reyansh left the house Surisha shouted happily and said, "Good progress Isha. Today you both have a little conversation without any fights. You also gave him a nickname and he also called you by Isha. Good job isha. Now let's make his lunch and tell Vivek bhaiya to give him lunch."

After preparing lunch for both of them she packed it nicely and called Vivek.

Surisha :"Hello bhai. I hope I didn't disturbed you?"

Vivek:"No Surisha. I'm free actually. Also I'm on my went to penthouse as sir wanted some important papers."

Surisha :"Thank god. Bhai I packed some lunch for you and Reyansh. Give him the lunch and please don't tell him that I prepared the lunch."

Vivek:"Oh hooo, caring wife I see."

Surisha :"Bhai don't tease me. Now I'm leaving for my office. Please take the lunch boxes with you. Take care bye."

Vivek :"Bye kiddo. Take care."

Vivek in his mind, "You both are perfect for each other. I have to give this new information to Mr. and Mrs. Agnihotri. With that he dialled Mr. Agnihotri.

Vivek:" Sir, I have a new update. Surisha decided that from today on wards she will prepare lunch for Sir. She asked me to hide the fact that she prepares the lunch for sir. Sir please inform this to everyone at home so that even if sir calls anyone from home."

Reyansh's dad:"Thanks Vivek for the updates."

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