
Next morning:

Surisha woke up with a bad headache. She rubbed her forehead with fingers and found herself in an unknown place. She stood up and went to use restroom. She then walk out of the room and saw Vivek sitting on the couch. She went to Vivek and said, "Umm sir, what happened last night. Why I'm here?"

Vivek:"Mam you fainted last night. And the doctor gave you a heavy dose that's why you were sleeping for so long. How are you feeling now? Should I call the doctor again?"

Surisha:"No no I'm feeling better now. Please call me by my name. You look older than me can I call you bhai?"

Vivek:"Sure Surisha you can call me bhai. Now like a good girl you're gonna finish the whole breakfast and eat the medicine. Doctor told that your body is very weak."

Surisha :"No no bhai I'll eat a little bit plz. I don't feel like eating."

Vivek :"Nope I'm not gonna listen to you. After breakfast we will move your belongings here." Surisha agreed grumply and finished her breakfast. Then both went to Surisha's house. On her way to home she called Tanvi and Virat asked them to come to her house urgently. Surisha wants to tell both of them about her signing divorce papers. After some time Vivek dropped Surisha to her house.

Surisha directly went to her room where her pet bird kiko was. Surisha found kiko one and half year ago. Kiko was badly injured. She treated her, when kiko was good to fly she tried to set him free in the sky. But kiko didn't fly away. Kiko would fly in the sky for a bit and again came back to Surisha. Surisha then kept kiko as her pet and built him a great house.

Kiko's house

As soon as she entered the room, Kiko fly to her and sat on her shoulder and started to singing indicating he missed her. Surisha pat kiko's head and give him a kiss. After spending some time with Kiko she started to pack her bags. Soon Tanvi entered the house with her loud voice. Tanvi said, "Bitch where are you? Why did you call me urgently? Did you murder someone? Do you want me to hide the dead body?"

Surisha :"Girl, relax. Do you think I can murder somebody? I'm so innocent I can't even kill a mosquito."

Tanvi:"Shut up baby girl. I know all your dark fantasies you want to do with your partner. We both know that how much dirty minded we are."

Surisha :"Just because I read dark fantasies it doesn't mean that I'm not innocent. I'm still innoce-", her words cutted by a bell on the door. Tanvi said Tanvi will check the door and went to check it. Surisha sat on the couch as Tanvi opened the door. Surprise was clearly written on Virat's face. Tanvi cleared her throat and gestured Virat to enter. When Tanvi turned around Surisha saw Tanvi's eyes were little moist.

Surisha:"Come bhai have a seat."


Surisha :"Yes he is my cousin brother whom I told you about."

Virat:"Hi, Tanvi. After 5 years it's good to see you again." While Tanvi just nodded her head.

Surisha :"Tanvi how do you know my brother?"

Virat:"Actually Tanvi was my junior. We went to the same school and college. When I was in my last year of college that time she joined the college. And after few moths you(Surisha) also joined the college." Surisha nodded her head but she was feeling some tension between Virat and Tanvi.

Virat:" Now tell us what do you want to talk about. "

Surisha :" Bhai, Tanvi I signed the divorce papers. Judge gave us 3 months to spend time with each other in same house. I'm moving to his penthouse in the evening."


Surisha :"I know that I love him but I can't force him to be in a relationship with me forcefully. You also know that you can't force anyone to love. Tanvi you also loved someone but you couldn't make that person stay with you forcefully." As soon as she said the words both Virat and Tanvi's face became pale.

Virat:" It's your life laado. So whatever you decided I'll always stay by your side. But if that man hurts you in any way I'll not let him go easily."

Tanvi:"Yes you're right jaan. You can't make anyone love you forcefully(secretly looking at Virat). I'm also with you. Just be safe and never compromise with your happiness and self respect."

Surisha :"Thank you bhai and Tanvi. You guys are what I have in this shitty world." With that she hugged Virat and Tanvi one by one. Tanvi while hugging Surisha said, "Now let's eat something. I'm very hungry now." Just then kiko fly towards Tanvi and bite her hand hardly.

Tanvi:"You bloody cute fluffy ball!! How can you bite me again. Surisha is my jaan. See Isha he bite me again".

Surisha while laughing said, "You know na he is very possessive about me. He will bite you to dead if you touch me again infront of him." Virat was laughing silently seeing all this and said, "OK girls. Let's have our lunch now. I'm also hungry." With that they have their lunch.

Agnihotri mansion :

After spending some time in office Reyansh entered the mansion. Everybody became surprised as he came during lunch.

Dadi:"Reyu, what are you doing here now? Don't you always have your lunch in office?"

Reyansh :"Yes dadi.I miss you guys so much that's why I came early today."

Reyansh's chachi:" Come here beta. Let me serve your lunch."

Reyansh :"Actually I have something to talk about guys." He said while gaining everyone's attention. All of them already knew that what reyansh wants to talk about.

Reyansh :"There is an important project going on. I need to give more time to the project. I'll have leave for office in the early morning and stay there till midnight. As my penthouse is near my office so for the time being I'll stay there."

Reyansh's mom:"But how you will manage yourself there alone baccha?"

Reyansh:"Don't worry mom. I can manage myself alone."

Reyansh's mom:"Bu-" her word got cutted by reyansh's dad. He whispered yelled to her and said, "You old woman, why are your trying to be a villain in your son's love story. He is staying there so that he can spend time with Surisha." Reyansh's mom face turned into "O" shape as she realised. Then she narrowed her eyes and said, "Did you just call me old woman??? Wait for 1 week you will sleep in the couch".

Dadi:"What are you both whispering?" Both of them said together, "Nothing mom."

Reyansh's dad:"OK beta you can stay there. Make sure to take care of yourself." Reyansh just nodded. After lunch he also packed some of his clothes. His phone ringed and saw Surisha's number. He have Surisha's number. He picked up the call and said, "Yes, Ms. Surisha. Do you need something?"

Surisha :"Yes Mr. Reyansh. Do you have any kind of allergy to furr?"

Reyansh :"No."

Surisha :"Are you afraid of birds?"

Reyansh:"No, do you have any plan to bring birds in my house?"

Surisha :"Yes, Mr. Agnihotri. I have a pet bird. He is a good kid and can't stay without me. He will not disturb you a little bit. He is very polite. He will always stay at my room. Please Mr. Agnihotri let him stay with me."

Reyansh :"OK you can bring him. But make sure he doesn't disturb me."

Surisha :"Thanks Mr. Agnihotri."

Reyansh :"Be ready at 7 pm. Vivek will help you to move out."

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