
In Agnihotri mansion :

Reyansh's dad was looking for some important papers which are needed to be signed. His eyes fall into an envolope. Reyansh's dad took out the papers from the envolope and become shocked because it was divorce papers. But he become more shocked when he saw the names. Grabbing the papers he went downstairs where everyone was chatting after dinner. Reyansh's dad said to his wife, "Vanika, where is Reyansh? It's already 11 pm he is still not here."

Reyansh's mom:"He informed me sometimes ago that he will stay at his penthouse for tonight. Why are you asking suddenly?" Without answering her question Reyansh's dad dialled Vivek's number and said, "Vivek I want you here in our mansion right now and don't you dare to say this to Reyansh that you're here." Everyone become confused seeing him like that. Reyansh's dad gave the papers to his brother while his brother was looking at him confusingly. As Reyansh's cachu read the papers he became shocked. Reyansh's mom became anxious seeing both brothers. Reyansh's mom told them, "What happened? Why are you both behaving weird?Did something happened?"

Dadi:"Yes, beta tell us what happened? You're making us anxious." Next moment everyone became shocked as reyansh's dad told them about Reyansh and Surisha's divorce papers.

Reyansh's mom:"What are saying? Our Reyansh married? With Surisha??" At the same time Vivek entered the mansion. Seeing him Reyansh's dad asked him to told everything about this divorce ficaso.

Vivek:"Yes, Reyansh sir is married for 2 years. 2 years ago when he went to village there was some misunderstanding which led them to marry each other forcefully. Reyansh sir didn't accept the marriage and left Surisha mam there. After 2 years he met her again in this mansion. After seeing mam here sir decided to end this unwanted marriage and asked me to prepare the divorce papers. Today judge came to sir's penthouse for the hearing. And told them to stay together for 3 months in a house where they can spend some time together and get to know each other well. If after 3 months they still don't want to stay together then the divorce will be proceed." Every single person was shocked hearing the whole situation.

Reyansh's mom:" I can't believe that my son is married. But how can he left a girl just after the marriage. He disappointed me".

Dadi:"Surisha is good girl. This girl have a pure heart. She doesn't deserve any pain. Now we have to make sure that they end up together."

Reyansh's chachu:"Yes mom, Thank god that they have 3 months to spend together. I'm pretty sure that within 3 months they will end up together."

Reyansh's mom:"I want to get my daughter in law in this house right now."

Reyansh's dad:"Don't act hastily Vanika. Reyansh should not know the fact we are already aware of their marriage. Let's give them enough time to know each other. We will play the role of a cupid in their love story".

Dadi:"Yes, you're right. We will silently help them to fall for each other. By the way Vivek where is Surisha right now?"

Vivek:"Mam, she is in sir's penthouse. In the evening she lost her consciousness due to high fever. Doctors gave her heavy dose that's why she is still unconscious. That's why she is staying there for tonight. Tomorrow morning she will move into sir's house".

Reyansh's chachi:"Oh my god! High fever? Is she OK right now?"

Vivek:"Yes mam, she is OK right now."

Reyansh's dad:"Vivek Reyansh mustn't know that we already know about them OK?"

Vivek:"OK sir. I also hope that both will end up together".

Reyansh's dadu:"Yeah we can just hope for the best". With that everybody went to their room.

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