🪷Surisha 🪷

Next morning:

Surisha woke up and groaned in pain. Her head and whole body is paining. She kept a hand on her forehead and felt warm. As she is feeling very weak, she decided to call Tanvi and informed her that she won't be able to come office. She took a warm shower and went to bed directly as she didn't feel like eating. She started to get flashbacks of last night. She always wanted a loving and caring husband. But seems like destiny have other plans. They are going to divorce. Surisha thought, "I told you isha not to expect anything but you again expected something which is impossible. You wanted love but seems like nobody is going to love. No no I have to be strong. Isha you're a strong girl. You endured your parents death, chacha chachi's torture, mental breakdown everything alone. Only today you are allowed to cry over your fate. From tomorrow you're not gonna cry anymore. You will do everything that will make you happy. If me and reyansh are not meant to be together,its OK. But I don't think I can love anybody after reyansh. After all he is my first love. But it doesn't mean that he can disrespect me. I will not stay quiet if he disrespected me again." With that she again fell asleep.

On the other hand:

Reyansh:" Ritwik(bodyguard assigned to Surisha) updates about Ms. Surisha. "

Ritwik:" Sir, yesterday after leaving your company she went to her house while drenching in the rain. And from morning she didn't came out of her house."

Reyansh :"OK keep a close eye on her." Reyansh ended the call and said to himself, "What a strange girl. Who drenched in rain at night?! Isn't she worried about her health. How can she be so careless. Wait what the fuck Reyansh agnihotri how can you care about that girl??" His trance broke when his phone ringed again.

Vivek :"Sir about the divorce hearing it's 3 days later. As you wanted the judge agreed to meet you two in your penthouse. But sir he seems quite strict. I have to presaude him for a long time."

Reyansh :"Inform Ms. Surisha about the time and date. And also bring the documents I asked you last night."

Reyansh thought, "I just hope everything goes smoothly".

3 days went by without any issues. Surisha caught a bad fever and cold. She didn't take her medicines timely, that's why her health wasn't improving at all. She don't want to leave her bed but she have to as today was the hearing of their case. She took a shower and dressed up in simple and warm clothes.

Surisha's outfit

Soon she reached the address Vivek gave her. When she reached she saw Reyansh and Vivek talking. Reyansh is wearing a long coat and a cap to cover his face.

Reyansh's outfit

Vivek noticed Surisha and greeted her and told her to follow them. Three of them take the elevator and went to the top floor. Three of them entered the house and saw two men. Reyansh and Surisha greeted them. After that all of them settled on th sofa. The judge said, "Mr. Agnihotri, you know that I'm doing you favor by helding the case hearing privately. Your lawyer already talked to me about this case. Divorce is possible between you two. But for that I have to listen both sides." With that Surisha told the judge why she went to the village, whose home, what happened everything but she didn't tell the judge that she flew from her chacha's house. Reyansh also told him his side's story. The judge listened to them carefully. Then the judge said, "As you both were married forcefully and willing to end this relationship so there will be no problem in divorce. " Hearing this Reyansh and Surisha have different emotions. One is feeling happy other is feeling heartbroken. Judge also added," But as you both were married for 2 years but never got the chance to know each other so I decided that I will give you two 3 months. In these 3 months, you both have to stay together in a house, know each other. If after 3 months you both are willing to get divorce then I will grant this divorce. But for now you have to stay together and give each other a chance. "

Reyansh:" But sir, nobody knows about the marriage in my family. How can I stay without my family and what excuse I will give them? "

Judge:" I know it's difficult. As you both have your own jobs it means you guys can't spend time together in day. But you can always spend some time in night and weekend. You have to talk your family and make them agree. My PA will keep an eye on you two always". After some time judge and his PA left the penthouse.

Reyansh :"Ms. Surisha you heard what the judge said right. I will give an excuse to my family. We just have to stay together in a house just like roommates for 3 months. Nothing else. I hope you understand my point clearly."

Surisha:"Yes Mr. Agnihotri I understand. But where we will stay?"

Reyansh :" In this penthouse. Tomorrow move into this penthouse." With that he disspared into one of the rooms. Surisha sighed in relief. She is determined that in these 3 months she will try to clear the misunderstandings between them and will try to save their marriage. She noticed Vivek who was making a call and gestured him that she is leaving. As she started to move she suddenly felt dizzy and lose her consciousness. With a loud thud she fell on the floor. Vivek hearing the sound turned and became shocked seeing Surisha laying unconscious on the floor. He shouted for reyansh to help. Hearing Vivek's shouting reyansh came out of his room and saw Surisha unconscious. Vivek picked her up in his arms and settled her on the sofa. Reyansh quickly called a doctor. Vivek was rubbing Surisha's palm continuesly. Seeing Vivek close to Surisha reyansh feel uneaseeness in his heart. He shrugged of his feelings and put a hand on her forehead and realised that she have a high fever. Soon doctor came and checked her. Doctor giver her an injection as her body was so weak and Prescribed some medicine for fever and cold and told them to take good care of her. Doctor said that Surisha will gain her conscious in the morning because of heavy dose. Vivek then went to pharmacy for medicines. Reyansh looked at her and said, "This girl can't even take care of herself. If she is suffering from high fever she shouldn't come here. Now I have to take care of her." Saying this he picked her up in a bridal style and took her to a guestroom. He removed her overcoat and made her lie comfortably and went to his room as she will not wake up before tomorrow.

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