🪷Surisha 🪷

Next Day(evening):

Surisha bid Virat goodbye as Virat went to his own apartment. Surisha came to her room and saw it was 7:25 pm. She quickly went to change her outfit as she was wearing a sweatpant and t-shirt.

Surisha's outfit

She grabbed her phone and directly went to the company. But she can't shake off the nervousness she was feeling since yesterday. She stood infront of the company and took a deep breath. Surisha in her mind, "You can do it Isha. You're strong. You can't break down. You will be OK Isha". Chanting this in her mind she went to the receptionist and asked her about Reyansh. Receptionst told her reyansh's floor. She went to reyansh's floor and saw a man standing outside his office. The man came to her and said, "Ms.Mehra I'm Vivek sir's secretary. You can go inside". Surisha nodded and went inside. Reyansh saw Surisha and gestured her to take a seat infront of him. Surisha take a seat and look at him as she doesn't know what reyansh want to talk about.

Pulling out some papers and a pen reyansh placed them infront her and said, "Here sign them. These are divorce papers. I have already signed them. Sign it and we will be free from this unwanted marriage". As soon as he said divorce papers Surisha's heart broke into million pieces. She thought that he want to give their marriage a second chance. She can't believe that she again expected something that never can be possible. Surisha thought, "It's OK Isha. You are strong. You don't need anybody. You said that you will accept the decision he will make. He wants divorce. You can't keep him into a relationship forcefully. Sign it and free him from this marriage". With shaking hands she signed the divorce papers. Reyansh was surprised to see how easily she signed the papers without any demand. After signing the papers she started to went towards the door as she can't stay here any longer. Reyansh's voice made her halted in her place.

Reyansh :"Well I didn't know that you will be agreed so easily. I thought I have to give you lot money to make you agree." saying this he went closer to her.

Surisha :"You wanted me to sign the papers I did it. I'm telling you again you can't talk to me like that without knowing me".

Reyansh :"Why can't I? You only want money and luxuries. I know these types of girls.They can do anything for money. For money they are willing to warm beds-" reyansh couldn't complete his sentence as Surisha slapped him hard. Reyansh can't believe that someone dared to slap him. He stared at her angrily and pinned her against the wall and held her arms tightly. Due to the sudden impact her dupatta slide from her shoulders and exposing her nuptial chain. Reyansh became shocked after seeing the nuptial chain. He then looked at her and said angrily, "HOW DARE YOU! HOW CAN YOU SLAP ME. I WARNED YOU THAT YOU CAN'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT.AND YOU FUCKING DARED TO SLAP ME!! I'M GOING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE LIVING HELL". Saying this he left her arms and went out of his office. Surisha was still in shock. Reyansh entered the elevator and called his bodyguard. "Listen I'm sending you a girl's picture. Keep an eye on her. Give me every single updates about her. Follow her like a shadow. When she will came out of the company, follow her from now and give me every updates." with that he cut the call and said to himself," As long as the divorce is done I have to keep an eye on her. So that she can't do anything stupid to stop this divorce. "

On the other side :

Surisha calmed herself a little and walked out of the company. A loud thunder broke her trance and then she realised that IT was raining heavily. She started to walk towards her home in the rain. Whenever she feels disturb she takes a long walk. It helps her to clear her mind. It took 45 mins to reach her home. The bodyguard was following her quietly. After entering her room she stood infront of the mirror and take a look on herself. She was feeling devastated. Soaking clothes, messy hair, smudged vermillon, her nuptial chain everything was making her remind that how reyansh broke her completely by saying those hateful words. She stripped her clothes, undergarments and again take a look on herself. She was standing completely bare infront of the mirror. Her eyes roamed from her face to her arms where she saw nails marks which she got from her husband. Then at her mid thighs where there was a big burnt mark and lines made by blades. Her chachi punished her for not cleaning the house by burning her mid thighs with a iron rod. And the lines was made by her as she wanted to numb her pain. She then entered the bathroom and stood under the cold shower. Sobs started to came from her mouth. She was crying hysterically. She can't take the pain that is eating her from inside. She stood under the shower for 3 hrs straight. After showering for long she wrap a towel around her body and changed into comfortable clothes. She is mentally exhausted from everything that is happening in her life. Soon sleep consumed her her body can't take the tiredness anymore.

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